EPUBs, Interactive PDF, and Tablet Apps

InDesign can export publications in EPUB, Interactive PDF, and tablet application formats using Digital Publishing Suite (DPS).  There are some major differences between EPUB, interactive PDF, and DPS.  EPUB is reflowable in e-readers, while PDF content is a fixed layout.  DPS is frequently used to publish digital magazines and periodicals.  It can have scrolling text options, pop-ups options with in-depth descriptions, and live/static HTML interactions.  The big difference with DPS is that it is the final document format is an app. (more…)

Adobe InDesign for Media and Publishing

As Adobe InDesign was originally used as a print-centric program and was upgraded to be more conducive for digital publishing.  Some of the formats InDesign uses to publish is EPUB, Adobe Digital Publishing Suite (DPS), and Interactive PDFs. (more…)